
Author(s): River Ramsey
Series: Atwood Supernatural Prison School
Book Number: 1
This book has been unpublished
Release Date: 29th Jun 2020

Genre Paranormal Burn Slow Trope Academy Trope Memory Loss Trope Prison Form Vampires Form Wolves POV 1st Person POV Threesome - MFM in the Harem
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I did something bad and I'm being punished for it. The only problem is, I have no idea what it was...or who I am.

It's just par for the course at the Atwood Supernatural Reform Academy, where the bad boys and girls of the supernatural world are brought to pay for their crimes. The ones the Agency thinks can be redeemed, at least.

If I want to avoid the grisly fate that awaits me--a girl with no memory and no power to speak of--behind the bars of the real prison, I have to survive the Academy, where the students and exams are equally powerful.

An overprotective alpha male werewolf and a scarred, brooding vampire imprinting on me my first day is bad enough, but now I've got to unravel the threads of my stolen memories to piece my identity together while hoping my sexy psychiatrist can't read my naughtier thoughts.

Oh, and there's a crazy cult that wants to sacrifice me. So that's nice.

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