Gesa's Menagerie: Books 7-9

Author(s): Kaye Draper

Release Date: 8th Oct 2019
This is a box set.
The average rating for this book is 4.5 out of 5

Trigger Warning PTSD Trigger Warning Rape
Genre Paranormal Kink Unique Peen (non-human) Store Availability GooglePlay Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Store Availability Kobo Plus Store Availability Nook Store Availability Paperback FF MM Threesome
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Gesa has her hands full trying to manage her pride and all their baggage. Oisin is recovering, but Gesa has a secret that still might make him walk away. Meanwhile, the brash gryphon has her heart set on adding a mage to her menagerie…if she can find him and free him from the slavery of the Mage Guild. But rescuing Halstad takes the pride into uncharted waters, where Kai has to choose between her old roots and her new family.

And what the hell is Derek White up to anyway?

In the final three books of the Gesa’s Menagerie series krakens attack, gryphons rampage, demons plot, and all the monsters finally find a home.

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