Bethany's Salvation

Author(s): Paulina Woods
Series: Nexella Others
Book Number: 1
Release Date: 10th Apr 2018
This is a standalone book.

Genre Sci-Fi Harem Size Medium Harem ( FMC & 5 or 6) Form Aliens POV 3rd Person POV POV Multiple POV POC FMC - Black Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback
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Humanity has used every natural resource the Earth has to give and is now a generation from extinction.When Bethany is offered a position in the botany lab aboard one of many space stations, she is elated. Not only will she be able to help mankind, but generations of her family will find a home on a new planet. However, everything changes when an explosion hurls her through space and into the arms of five alien creatures who claim she is their Other. For the first time, Bethany feels as if she's found a place of acceptance and love...but it comes at a price. How can she choose between happiness, family, and the survival of humanity?

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