Broken Reign

Author(s): Carmen Black
Series: All the Wrong Things
Book Number: 3
This series is completed
Release Date: 15th Jul 2022
Trigger Warning Dub Con Trigger Warning Human Trafficking Trigger Warning Non Con Trigger Warning Torture Trigger Warning Unknown Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Mafia Trope Revenge POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Translation French Translation German Translation Spanish Dark
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It's time to give these scum a taste of their own medicine.
With my new recruits behind me, we’re going to take back the streets of Vegas.
And when we’re done, we’ll be the ones in charge.
It cost me everything, and everyone I loved to get here.
But these pimps and criminals will get to see what our life was like while I reign.

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