Cruel Legacy

Author(s): Dakota Lee
Series: Heartless Heirs of Canyon Falls
Book Number: 1
Release Date: 26th May 2023
The average rating for this book is 5 out of 5

Trigger Warning Abuse - Manipulation/Gas Lighting Trigger Warning Assault Trigger Warning Blood Play Trigger Warning Bully from outside of Harem Trigger Warning Bully from within Harem Trigger Warning Child Loss Trigger Warning Dub Con Trigger Warning Knife Play Trigger Warning Non Con Trigger Warning Rape Trigger Warning Sexual Assault Trigger Warning Somnophilia Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Kink Blood Play Kink Breath Play Kink Knife Play Kink Primal Play Kink Somnophilia Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Bullying Trope Secret Societies POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Age FMC College Age (University) Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback Dark Teacher
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That's what the move to Canyon Falls was supposed to offer me. A chance to leave my past behind.
But day one I manage to paint a target on my back, and the vindictive boys who run this school- Pax, Finn, and Holden- decide to turn me into their personal punching bag.
They try it all. Liquidated accounts. Public humiliation. Every prank and act of horror is personally designed to break me.
I've endured worse. Too bad for them I never learned to turn the other cheek.
At the end of this somebody's gonna have to bend a knee.

Spoiler Alert: It won't be me.

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