
Author(s): Jules Hunter
Series: The Animus Series
Book Number: 1
Release Date: 10th Sep 2019
The average rating for this book is 0.5 out of 5

Trigger Warning Blood/Gore Trigger Warning Cheating within the Harem Trigger Warning Death Trigger Warning Kidnap Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Revenge POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback Cliffhanger Dark Playlist Included
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Living on a luxury yacht on the Southern California coast, after years of surviving on the streets, is a dream come true for Kaia. Being in the revenge business pays well, and Kaia has no problem exposing the greed, infidelity, and murderous intent of society’s worst humans through her own private channels, especially if it keeps her surrounded by surf, sun, and gorgeous men. After all, the only people really getting hurt are the liars and the cheaters. So what if Kaia benefits from them? As far as she’s concerned, she has the perfect life. Until she doesn’t…

When a brutal attack leaves Kaia shaken and exposed, she’s given no choice but to accept the protection of her uncle’s Spec Ops team. Unfortunately, the team comes with an agenda, and it’s not only to keep Kaia in their sights, but also to keep her in their bed. Overwhelmed by the constant attention, Kaia needs time to figure her life out and make some decisions. But things go from complicated to a total cluster when her cheating ex turns up to take over the operation. Kaia doesn’t know who to trust, who to believe, and where to turn, which leaves her vulnerable in a way that could be deadly.

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