
Author(s): Katherine Rhodes
Series: Saints and Sinners
Book Number: 3
Release Date: 19th Dec 2019
Trigger Warning Unknown
Genre Paranormal Build Slow Build Harem Size Small Harem (3 or 4) Form Demons POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Age FMC in their 30s Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Dark FF Harem Evolves Over Time MM
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Perhaps the devil is not the demon of nightmares...

Still seeking Elutheria's natural brother, the Warner-Skillman-Foster household is besieged by the supernatural.

Lincoln and Fischer are seeing sins on people--cuts, bruises, gorings, and even the occasional snake, they have no idea where they are coming from.

Wren, Ellie and the twins are pursued by creatures that hide in human skin, and can only be dispatched with flameblades. The problem is that only certain people can handle flameblades, and Wren isn't one of them. With two young children to protect, she wants some back up.

An old ally returns to help: Detective Lily Haden has a solution for Wren's demon problem. Instead of being a simple solution though, Lily's answer reveals information they never dreamed was possible.

At the same time, a new ally appears in their life: Sebastian Mederos. Quickly becoming a temptation for Lincoln and Wren, they resist as best they can with their ultimate goal in mind.

Find and rescue Benjamin Sheehan.

For they were ashamed to declare
their lust, that they desired
to have to do with her.

--Susanna 1:11

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