Forgotten Essence

Author(s): Aster North
Series: Soul Fiend Series
Book Number: 1
Release Date: 29th Feb 2020
Trigger Warning Abuse - Drug Use Trigger Warning Unknown Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Fantasy Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Form Reapers POV 1st Person POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback
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Death is an insurmountable fact.
The question is what happens after.
Where does the soul go?

Well, it goes to me. Or someone like me, at least. My name is Zella Healani. I’m a Grim Reaper. Not the kind most think of when they picture the old skeleton guy either. Nope. I’m young, have no swinging stick thing, and am usually swimming with some kind of mind-altering substance.

Don’t let that deter you, though. Not that you actually could. Like it or not, I’ll pull your soul free from your husk and ferry it back to the big soul soup we all start from. You get a new life, and I get a hit of euphoria so pure, it’s addicting. Oh, and some additional powers here and there.

But what if someone could stop the Grims from coming for you? And how exactly am I supposed to save a whole world full of souls when no one believes me? That, my new friend, is exactly what I’m going to tell you because somehow, I'll find my way back to the desolate world I stumbled upon. My only problem? I'll have to do it while controlling my monster, dealing with three new babysitters, and committing crimes that might just get me thrown into the soul soup, too.

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