Knot Your Forever

Author(s): Jarica James 
Series: Jaded Omegas
Book Number: 4
Release Date: 15th Dec 2023
This is a standalone book.
The average rating for this book is 4.18 out of 5

Trigger Warning Death outside of the Harem Trigger Warning Suicide Trigger Warning Unknown
Genre Human Omegaverse Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Angst
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Losing your mate is said to be one of the most painful experiences an omega can face, I now know how true that is.

Now I have to face a world without Everett. He was my best friend, my mate, and my alpha.

It didn’t take long before I decided that it was too hard to keep going. I just have one last piece of unfinished business… meeting his twin, Lake, a year after Everett’s passing to read the letters he left us.

Only Lake isn’t alone. His pack is worried about his sudden silence and crashes our reunion.

Riven, Micah, and Drew all want to keep their packmate from drowning in his pain. But then something happens none of us expect… we aren’t just strangers, but pack.

Now we’re facing the ghost of Everett together and the guys want to help me move on, but I’m not so sure I can. I’ve already lost one mate and I’m terrified to let myself love again.

Am I strong enough to embrace my new forever or will my grief claim me first?

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