Lucky Stars

Author(s): Becca Van
Series: Alaskan Wildlands
Book Number: 1
Release Date: 26th May 2021
This is a standalone book.
Trigger Warning Kidnap Trigger Warning Unknown
Genre Paranormal Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Damsel in Distress Trope Fated Mates Form Shifters POV 3rd Person POV Store Availability Apple Books Store Availability GooglePlay Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Store Availability Kobo Store Availability Nook HEA Romantic Suspense
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Courtney Hazel arrives in Anchorage, Alaska for a new job, but nothing goes to plan. While having and drink at a pub, she’s drugged, kidnapped, and driven four hours north of Anchorage. Waking up to find two huge grizzly bears nearby is terrifying enough, but when one of them tells her to run, she thinks she’s hallucinating. However, run she does, thinking she’s about to meet her end. Dane Crocker and his brothers Garth, and Foster are happily shocked the woman they just rescued from the bear shifters is their mate, but because she’s seen them in animal form, they don’t think they have a chance in hell of making her theirs. Tipan bear shifters are nothing like anyone has ever seen or could’ve imagined. Courtney wakes up scared but the three brothers explain to her what they are and that she’s safe. When the Crocker men find out what happened to her they vow to do everything to protect her. But some things can’t be foreseen.

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