New Horizons

Author(s): Heather Relken
Series: The Aethercurrent Chronicles: The Baron's Hand Saga
Book Number: 2
Release Date: 10th Oct 2020
This is a standalone book.

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Top on the list of "things I didn't expect to happen this weekend" is:

-- Surprise sex with an alien-cyborg commander, which means I'm now the lady-mate in a weird marriage triangle with him and his legionnaire --

Though being taken to, and promptly busted out of, Area 51 by the aforementioned aliens is definitely a close second. I also didn't really bargain for how much I'd fall for these two extraterrestrial men. There are more than a few on this rig who find our relationship a violation of nature, though. And unfortunately they don't seem content to just judge us silently from afar.

No, these Turukai are more than willing to voice their disagreements. And when they threaten not just my happy little threesome, but all of humanity as well?

I might be forced to make one hell of a drastic decision.

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