
Author(s): Layla Heart
Series: Lughnasadh Elite Academy
Book Number: 12
Release Date: 11th Nov 2020

Genre Paranormal Trope Academy Form Witches, Warlocks & Mages Store Availability GooglePlay Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Store Availability Kobo Plus Store Availability Nook FF MM
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One threatening letter, a whole house in disarray.

After Rune received a letter threatening that someone would kill them on their wedding day, Litha and her mates have to reorganise their whole lives. They’ve been living in bliss for the last months, but the letter sharply brings into focus that even though the war is over, they’ll never be truly safe from people wanting to get rid of them. Especially not after the wedding and Bane and Kit’s crownings, when they’ll officially be ruling all the kingdoms at once.

While Terra, a commander from the old dragon rebel army, has declared herself head of the brand new royal security team, Litha and the others want Bastet, the woman who used to protect Litha back in the human world, to become their house manager. Bastet’s first task? Hire staff for the household, and vet them, in just a few weeks, while also coordinating with the wedding planning and other upcoming events.

Between the changes in the household, their classes, and their little family, the lovers have another important thing to take care of, Kit’s birthday, which is only a few days away…

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