The Mercenary's Bounty

Author(s): Kristen Banet
Series: Age of the Andinna
Book Number: 2
This series is completed
Release Date: 15th Apr 2019
The average rating for this book is 4.08 out of 5

Trigger Warning Abuse Trigger Warning Abuse Trauma Trigger Warning Assault Trigger Warning PTSD Trigger Warning Rape - in Character's past Trigger Warning Slavery Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Fantasy Kink Horns & Tails Burn Slow Build Slow Build Harem Size Medium Harem ( FMC & 5 or 6) Form Dragons Form Elves POV 3rd Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback Mental Health PTSD Abused Female Dark Harem Evolves Over Time Kickass Woman Magic
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With freedom, comes uncertainty, and with uncertainty, comes mistakes.

Mave has been making a lot of those. As she draws closer to the Free Cities of Olost, she finds herself juggling between learning about her people, and learning the nuances of the males around her. Males she has to work with if she wants to survive the world she’s about to jump into feet first as the newest member of the Ivory Shadow Mercenary Company. She has no choice but to learn to trust them.
Through all of it, Mave has found herself hopeful for Olost and the new beginnings she’s found. The opportunities of new friendships, new family, and maybe more draws her further out of her shell every moment. With all of her courage, she continues to take those shaky first steps, leaving the life of slavery and being an outcast far behind her.

But freedom doesn’t hold all the promises she hoped it did. Olost might be free, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Her enemies will never rest and neither can she.

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