Amazing Grace

Author(s): Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Series: The American Soldier Collection
Book Number: 3
Release Date: 12th Jul 2013
This is a standalone book.
Trigger Warning Death Trigger Warning Unknown Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) POV 3rd Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Apple Books Store Availability Audiobook Store Availability GooglePlay Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Store Availability Kobo Store Availability Nook Store Availability Paperback Brothers HEA Law Enforcement Military
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Two years have passed since Grace Thompson left her home and her family in Houston. One of her three brothers, Peter, convinces her to return home for her cousin Jamie's wedding. Reluctantly she gives in. Things seems wonderful and everyone is happy to see her. A few days after her arrival, news spreads that a serial killer is on the loose and government officials believe it is the same individual who killed Clara, Grace's sister, years ago. Grace is thrust into the arms of a special investigator, an ex marine who is hired out by law enforcement and the government to solve difficult crimes and hunt down the killer. Sandman Sandstone and his two brothers, Big Jay and Duke, are ex military and involved in law enforcement and investigation in some way. When they help keep Grace in protective custody, she manages to snag their hearts, which they thought were cold and dead. As they work on exploring a menage relationship with her, she becomes the high target of the killer that even Sandman and his team can not capture. Will the killer get to Grace, or perhaps force her to come to him as he begins to go after her loved ones, luring her into his trap?

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