Mending Hearts

Author(s): Dixie Lynn Dwyer
Series: The American Soldier Collection
Book Number: 11
Release Date: 6th Feb 2015
This is a standalone book.
Trigger Warning Military Service Trauma Trigger Warning Unknown Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Harem Size Medium Harem ( FMC & 5 or 6) POV 3rd Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Apple Books Store Availability GooglePlay Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Store Availability Kobo Store Availability Nook Store Availability Paperback HEA Military Pre-Established Harem Romantic Suspense
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Gabe was MIA and Alana was losing her mind. The constant sadness, emptiness, and reminders in Scrantonville were too much. Leaving for Tranquility was supposed to bring her peace, instead it brought her Gabe and his five brothers in arms, plus a whole lot of trouble. Gabe wanted to be dead. He lost his will to live and even his team was concerned. Alana was their angel who appeared out of nowhere, stirring up old love as well as new. Their team was complete and happiness seemed just within reach. They never saw him coming. A killer on the loose, his eyes set on Alana. Can the daughter of a marine survive or are happy endings only made for fairy tales?

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