Academia Obscura: The Witch Queen

Author(s): Clarissa Bright
Series: The Academy
Book Number: 5
This series is completed
Release Date: 29th Sep 2021
The average rating for this book is 2.5 out of 5

Genre Paranormal Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Academy Form Fae Form Ghosts Form Witches, Warlocks & Mages POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Age FMC College Age (University) Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Angst Magic
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Screw my grandfather. I’m ready to be Queen.

We were ready for war, but we weren’t prepared for what was about to happen.

While we got ready in our world, my grandfather, the king, turned Dom’s only family against him.

Now, she doesn’t just want to tear him away from me.

She wants everything that is rightfully mine.

My kingdom. All of my men. I will die before I let her have it. Before I let her have them.

They are backing me up, ready to overthrow the king, but now I have the expectation of a nation that I didn’t grow up and pledge no allegiance to.

I don’t know how to be queen. I don’t know how to win a war.

The only think I am certain of is that I need to protect my men. And if it takes overthrowing a cruel king and taking his place in the throne, then I’m ready to do that.

I will learn to rule.

I will not learn to live without any one of my men.

And if the price is my life? They can find a way to rule. But I refuse to rule without them by my side.

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