Live To Tell

Author(s): LJ Swallow 
Series: Thornwood Academy
Book Number: 4
Release Date: 21st Nov 2023
The average rating for this book is 0.75 out of 5

Genre Paranormal Burn Slow Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Academy Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Mystery YA
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A stolen tiara. A missing girl. A coven whose secrets protect a killer
Have I uncovered something more sinister than a fatal crime?

Following the disastrous school dance, a powerful coven snatched the tiara, and I'm convinced they're shielding one of their own from its spell-cloaked evidence. A girl could be dead, and I'm determined to catch the killer.

Dorian refuses to help, claiming there's no relevance to his investigations. Fortunately, I have my three guys to assist in solving the crime. Although these romantic entanglements are becoming more complex and take me in whole new directions.

Since the fateful night at the warehouse, Grayson's blood has woven into mine, casting a complicated web over our relationship. And as much as I try, staying away from him proves futile.

And then there's Rowan. He's a storm cloaked in quiet as the shadows grow around him, and I could be making this worse. If Dorian uncovers Rowan's true abilities, Grayson won't be the only one in danger.

And Leif? He's completely blindsided by what the shifter elders disclose when we meet with them—and my reaction. I'm surprised at myself, but the moment he walked into the academy after staying away for days I realized I've more than a desire to help him.

In my quest to understand the world, I've researched the definition of love, which only confuses me more. But one element stands out. I never cared about anybody, but I'm invested in each guy's safety and happiness.

Am I risking the lives of the people I care about by pulling them into mine? Because the threat against my family is more serious than we realized.

Luckily, pieces of a dangerous puzzle are starting to click into place: witches cozying up to humans, vampires mingling with necromancers, and echoes of the past filling the blank spaces. I swear the tiara and missing girl are linked to the recent murders and threat to the Sawyers. I'm determined to prove this and make Dorian eat his words.

I’m Violet Blackwood, half-vampire, half-witch, but now with a fondness for four people who’ve taught me that I’m not dead inside. Just a little dark around the edges.

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