Compounding Traumas

Author(s): Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University
Book Number: 6
Release Date: 18th Sep 2020
The average rating for this book is 4.65 out of 5

Trigger Warning Bully from outside of Harem Trigger Warning Child Abuse - Violence Trigger Warning Childhood Trauma Trigger Warning PTSD
Genre Paranormal Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Academy Trope Chosen One Trope Fated Mates Trope Rags to riches Form Dragons Form Fae Form Shifters Form Vampires Form Witches, Warlocks & Mages Age FMC College Age (University) POC MMC - Black Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Mental Health Anxiety Mental Health Depression Mental Health PTSD Abused Female Angst Foster Care/Adoption Harem Evolves Over Time Insta-Lust Kickass Woman Magic Mixed Species Harem Royalty Soulmates Teacher Telepathic
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My name is Tamsin Vale and I’m the last known fairy, fighting to find out what happened to all fairies and our world.

But I’m running out of hope, and it has a lot to do with the four pieces of my soul I no longer have with me. Going through one breakup is terrible, but four in rapid succession is… More than one person can handle.

I spent all summer fighting for fair folk, and fighting the councils, and fighting for the supes who need it, instead of taking a break. And I’m tired, mostly because I have so much trouble sleeping, missing the men I loved and didn’t want to admit I cared for.

Still, I can’t quit, so I keep pushing on. That’s what it means to be an adult and have responsibilities. I’m not alone, and I have help pushing me to keep going, teaching me what I need, so we can win the fights we need to.

I can… I really don’t think I can do this.

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