Unregulated Upheaval

Author(s): Erin R Flynn
Series: Artemis University
Book Number: 12
Release Date: 19th Sep 2021
The average rating for this book is 5 out of 5

Trigger Warning Abuse Trigger Warning Abuse - Emotional Trigger Warning Abuse Trauma Trigger Warning Child Abuse - Sexual Trigger Warning Child Abuse - Violence Trigger Warning Childhood Trauma Trigger Warning PTSD
Genre Paranormal Build Medium Build Harem Size Small Harem (FMC & 3 or 4) Trope Academy Trope Chosen One Trope Fated Mates Trope Rags to riches Form Dragons Form Fae Form Gods & Goddesses Form Shifters Form Vampires Form Witches, Warlocks & Mages Form Wolves POV 1st Person POV Age FMC College Age (University) POC MMC - Black Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Mental Health Anxiety Mental Health Depression Mental Health PTSD Abused Female Angst Foster Care/Adoption Harem Evolves Over Time Insta-Lust Kickass Woman LGBTQIA+ Character Magic Mixed Species Harem MM Royalty Soulmates Teacher Telepathic
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My name is Tamsin Vale and I’m the only living heir to all of Faerie. I want to do what’s right and use that position to help my people, but too many treat me as if I belong to them and that world.
And I cannot live my life that way.
Nor can I keep pretending all my relationships are okay. Three are great, but it’s time to let one go and stop forcing myself to accept so much.
The warlock and vampire elders are gone, arrested, for their crimes. People are upset how we’re handling so much or getting involved in “their” world. Funny, because all I heard when we were in hiding is people wished fairies would come back.
I don’t have the time to focus on the complaints of others. I have too many of my own. The fairy elders and ancients are getting worse now that we’re out. At least people are finally hearing me that they are just as corrupt as the other councils were. The pushback is hard to deal with, but I refuse to let history repeat itself.
I won’t. Nobody believes me that I’ll walk, but I will to save myself.

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