Disrespected Chief

Author(s): Erin R Flynn
Series: Seraphine Thomas
Book Number: 15
Release Date: 26th May 2023
The average rating for this book is 5 out of 5

Trigger Warning Abuse - Emotional Trigger Warning Abuse - Past Trigger Warning Abuse - Physical Trigger Warning Abuse Trauma Trigger Warning Blood Play Trigger Warning Child Abuse - Violence Trigger Warning Childhood Trauma Trigger Warning PTSD Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Paranormal Harem Size Large Harem (FMC & 7+) Form Fae Form Shifters Form Unique Shifters Form Vampires Form Wolves POV 1st Person POV Age FMC in their 30s Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Mental Health PTSD Abused Female Alphas Fighters Harem Evolves Over Time Kickass Woman Law Enforcement Magic Mixed Species Harem Royalty Twins
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Division Chief Seraphine Thomas is tired of the men in her world making her life so much more difficult. From Brian getting promoted and bringing Murray into her life to Murray treating her like he’s her boss and she has to play along to set him up because of what Director Galvin wants. Then there’s Enzo’s plans and new crazy all the way up to the damn president.

Seriously, she’s about to just beat all the men in the world if they don’t stop with the unnecessary drama. And apparently, Alena’s over it too.

While she can’t change a lot, Sera never stops trying to be the best version of herself and is working on loads she can make better. Her drive and pushing through the bad inspires the supes who need her and see her as the hope we all need most days.

Especially when there will always be monsters who live among us. Someone is killing in Chicago, and it’s a weird case unlike the FBI has seen. Handling a murder investigation shouldn’t be the easy part of someone’s life, right?

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